Pinstripe Press Photos: Take Cheap Flights to Battlefields and Monuments
Pinstripe Press Photos: Take Cheap Flights to Battlefields and Monuments « previous | index | next »
Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond VA 
This photo is an extreme close-up of the monogram on General J.E.B. Stuart’s holster. The MOC has a tremendous collection of personal artifacts belonging to many of the Confederacy’s most revered generals including Robert E. Lee, ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, A.P. Hill, and of course the ‘Southern Knight.’ This hand-tooled leather holster carried Stuart’s famous 50 cal. sidearm, which is also on display along with his plumed hat, sword, boots, saddle, rifle, and entire field desk. I love visiting the MOC, and every time that I go there, I’m like a little kid in a candy store.